Friday, January 28, 2011

Seattle Boat Show -2011

First let me just say "What a Trip!"
Medford, OR
First stop in Medford, Oregon to visit a family friend...Bob. I think that the last time we saw each other was 30+ years ago.  Knowing we were going to be so close, just had to take a side trip.
Met for dinner and spent almost 5 hours, talking, catching up on each others family, sharing old stories, laughing and crying when it was time to say good night. I will treasure those few hours for ever!

Seattle, WA:
Left Medford at the crack of dawn (I think it was pre-crack of dawn actually) and arrived in Seattle by 7am. We were checked into our hotel and off to the show and to see Trevor.   North Pacific had 3 boats at the show NP28, NP39 & NP52. The NP28 was the cutest thing I've ever seen. I was surprised also at the amount of room in the 39 as well - I was expecting to feel very closed in with the show traffic, but absolutely did not. We wandered around the floating show for a few hours - many of the same boats as you see at other shows, except more pre-owned trawlers in the 40' to 45' range than in the east coast shows.
Headed to the indoor show - which was incredible - I have never seen so many boats inside before, nor have I ever seen so many big boats (40+') inside before. There was even a seaplane at the indoor show, which Dennis proceeded to try and convince me would make a good accessory to our new boat. I think he even said that "I would be the greatest wife in the world if he could have one of those." Well to say the least, he will have to settle for having the 2nd greatest wife in the world.
Played tourist on Sunday and met a friend for dinner at the Steelhead Diner for some more good food, good wine and catching up.
On Monday, we drove to Anacortes to do a sea trial on the NP43 owned by none other than John Adams (OMG could there be two???? ).
Boat handled great! Fairly flat seas, but we managed to find a wake or two. Weather was not so good which gave us the opportunity to handle the boat from inside the pilot house. We are going to be very spoiled by being able to stay out of the elements. Noise level from the running engines was non existant an it was super easy to carry on a conversation using our "indoor" voices. 
Scenery was breath taking. Never really gave much thought to boating or spending time in the waters of the pacific north west before, but this trip has changed that for us and we can't wait to go back.

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