Friday, October 21, 2011

1 Year Later - Hard to Believe

So, it's been a year since we began this journey in Annapolis and we just returned from another great visit to this awesome town and the best boat show in the US.
Started out feeling a little under the weather so decided that it was best begin the day with a Painkiller #3 in case you're wondering....
Now that the demons have been tamed...
Spent a fair bit of time in the tents working on the "accessory" list, then to the docks.  Show seemed smaller this year, which isn't surprising given the economy.  Still many many beautiful vessels on display.  We had our aha moment about 2 hours into walking the docks when we both realized that we have not boarded one boat to look around.   "Here's your sign!"  I guess we are really certain that we have found exactly the right boat for us.
Saturday culminated with a nice Dinner at the Ram's Head - (an all time Browne family favorite Annapolis spot, that deserves to be checked out if you've never been there.  Here's an inside hint - if the weather is cold and rainy - go downstairs into the pub and order your favorite coffe n ....... if the weather is nice, then you need to sit outside on the back patio and enjoy the ambiance) with Trevor and Morgan - great company, great conversation and a perfect way to end a great day!
Spent Sunday morning on the NP39 (very nice boat with lots of room)  that was at the show with Trevor and Rick, talking boats, various adventures and even started talking about our delivery.  Learned a lot about what to expect in January.
The latest pictures arrived earlier this week and she's lookin GOOD! I'M GETTING EXCITED!

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