Saturday, February 7, 2015

We now live on a boat

It's finally here!  We left Halifax Harbor on Friday, February 6th.
The 3 year anniversary of the Gypsy Soul splash down in Savannah.  Really big winds, so we took a detour to Inlet Harbor for the evening.
Did some "serious" celebrating with Fran, Peg & Monty.  Spent today on the hook at DI chilling or for some of us "recovering", but I'm not mentioning any names.  Gorgeous day with big sun and blue skies. Tonight there are so many stars in the sky they are loud.  

We'll spend a few days hanging, walking the beach, etc.  Then off to Cocoa. 
See all the Pix here

1 comment:

  1. Now that is a great way to go. Looks like you two are enjoying life to the fullest. Great photos, nice blog. You past by our house within 25 miles on your journey south. I could have met you on the dock to say hi. ;) Phyllis Dyjak and Arthur Martin. Wiscasset, Maine.
