Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Day 86 - 97/793 Statutory Miles: Week Home/ Georgetown, SC

Before leaving Charleston, we made a trip back home to check on things, take care of Dr. visits and most importantly get another "friend fix".  We've been spoiled for the last couple of weeks...

What a week we had too:  starting off with the Taste of Beaufort entertained by our favorite Zydeco band; Dwayne Dopsie & the Zydeco Hellreaisers

Super high energy entertainment!  In the crowd, we met an incredible lady, 80 years young, sporting a walker and O2, lead the Mardi Gras parade and danced the night away.  She reminded us once again that age and exuberance for life is a state of mind and not body.

Hard to imagine that this could be topped, Saturday was spent celebrating Paula's 50th with the crew.  Never a shortage of laughs & lies and a new appreciation for "I don't like big buts".
Monday, brought a celebration of our 31st wedding anniversary.  Look how far these young kids have come...

Thursday:  Daytona for the day.  Walking the jetty @ Ponce inlet and meandering the docks @ Halifax. Enjoyed our unplanned visit with the James', which was great fun hearing about all their adventures on the water.  (Bob - let me know if you find any typo's). Made me more anxious to get moving again.   Wrapping up the day getting our "Bourque fix" was dinner with Fran & Peg at The Grind.  Again, no shortage of lies and laughs.  

I'm not sure how we have it so good to be blessed with such a collection of awesome people in our lives, but I wouldn't trade it for the anything.

Wrapping up the week was an early morning Kayak on the Silver River on Friday before heading to St. Augustine for the weekend with the Adams' to see Jeff Beck & ZZ Top; who put on an amazing show.  Jeff Beck accompanied by Jimmy Hall were a real treat to see live & ZZ Top simply rocked the house.  It is true, rock-n-roll never dies!

Riddle me this...... Who will our kids be going to see 20 years from now that are as legendary as these guys?  Justin Bieber???? 

With the week done. We head back to Charleston, catch some more time with Mr. & Mrs. Middleton, turn the key and head to Georgetown, SC

Charleston to Georgetown:

Watch:     Christine 
Distance:  57.8nm
Time:       6h 38m
Navigation notes:  Ben Sawyer Bridge to Isle of Palms. MM 121 - 116 need to be passed a couple hours either side of low tide.
Left Charleston around 10:30am trying to time our passage between Ben Sawyer Bridge and Isle of Palm, where significant shoaling has been reported, trying to give ourselves some extra water yet arrive in Georgetown at a reasonable hour.  The tides right now are not very cooperative, with low tide @ 9:30am and high tide @ 3:38.  

The view leaving Charleston was pretty spectacular - looking back from the water to the Battery and Waterfront Park area and passing Ft. Sumter.

Making our way into Cooper River from Charleston Harbor, brought some pretty thin water with our depth finder reading 4.7 and 5.0 several times.  This was with almost 2 feet of help from the tide. Slow and steady was the word of the hour.

Once past Isle of Palm, we had lots of water and made for one of the most enjoyable and relaxing days on the water. The scenery also seemed different today.  The tall sweet grass has been replaced by shorter types of seagrass and the pine and palm trees have been replaced by Pine with a few deciduous trees sprinkled in.  The elevation across the horizon is being determined by the height of the trees popping up here and there in the expansive marshes.  Several places along the way today were completely lined in pines, which was just gorgeous.  We had lots of dolphin company on today's trip, which was a pleasant surprise, it had been a while since we've seen them while underway - even a few taking advantage of our wake. 

Georgetown, SC is a cute little fishing town, the marinas are mainly along Front Street, the main street in historic Georgetown, surrounded by fabulous neighborhoods and tree covered streets.  It reminded us both a lot of Vero Beach.  There are several paper mills in town with one being at the top of the harbor.  Fortunately, while we were here, there was no smell. 

In the category of necessity is the mother of invention.  Check out this short video of how we fueled up in Georgetown.

Shortly after our arrival, a gentleman came up and asked us how long we've had our North Pacific and had we ever met Trevor. This surprised us both, since most people ask us what it is instead.  He said his name was Tom Coleman and my jaw damn near dropped to the ground.  You see, when we went to Annapolis and "discovered" North Pacific and decided to buy the GS, it was Tom & Beth's  boat that was at the show.  We spent hours on their boat and ultimately it was after talking with Tom, Beth & Trevor - GS was conceived. What a small world once again. 

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous14.5.15

    We are enjoying immensely your blog and pictures. Congratulations on 31 years! You both have come a long way! You seem to be enjoying life to it's fullest and rightfully so! After the wedding, we toured Charleston historical district and the bay area. We, too, went by the impressive Ft. Sumter. We hope someday to return to Charleston area to do additional touring including Ft. Sumter. We took the land route to Myrtle Beach (of course! LOL) and we were also impressed with the massive marshlands between to two cities. A sight we had not experienced before. Happy and safe sailing! Marvin & Nancy
