Friday, June 19, 2015

1659 Statutory Miles / Day 128 to 134

NYC Didn't Disappoint

Started our stay in the Big Apple @ Lincoln Harbor Yacht Club, directly on the Hudson, at the advice of a fellow boater we met along the way.  They were correct, in that the view was beautiful, but neglected to tell us how rough our stay would be, being directly on the river due to the constant water traffic.  Barges, Tugs, and Water Ferry's/Taxi's.  To compound things this marina took some bad hits this winter from snow and Ice.  They lost 40 slips, including their fuel dock and pump-out and their sea wall.  So there was nothing stopping the roll of the river and we started rocking and rolling (HARD) at ~ 5:30 am each day and didn't stop until almost midnight. After 2 1/2 days - we were looking for another place to stay.  Your body got used to it after awhile, but the wakes just seemed so violent and just felt like too much unnecessary wear-n-tear on the GS.  So we moved to Liberty Landing a few miles south on the Hudson, tucked back in a Canal and finished out our weeks stay there. A great facility!

Bike Ride in Central Park

We've been to Central Park before and have always enjoyed spending time there. Mr. B came up with the brilliant idea of taking our bikes into the city and ride around the park.  BRILLIANT IDEA!!!!

We saw so much of the park, places we've never been able to take the time to see. Getting there was even more interesting.  Taking the bikes on the water taxi from NJ to mid town.  I never knew that NYC had so many bike paths. From mid town, you take a nice ride along the West Side Hwy then cut across city streets to CP.  We felt like "real" New Yorkers LOL  It actually was easier than we both thought it would be, once you got into the "rhythm" of things.  

Did I say that this was a BRILLIANT IDEA!!!!

9/11 Memorial Museum:

The last time we were in the city, the grounds weren't completed and the museum not opened.  So we were both looking forward to taking the tour. It honored and payed tribute to the victims and the first responders while giving little publicity to the terrorists.  It was good to remember the raw emotions you felt in the days right after 9/11.

After the museum, we decided to go italian in Tribeca.  With the help of the internet, we stumbled upon Acappella.  Not only was the food outstanding, we got the whole "italian show" from our server and BFF (Big Fat Frankie). OMG  It was like having dinner being served by Tony Soprano.

Statue of Liberty & Ellis Island:

It only took us 54 years, but we finally made it to see Lady Liberty & Ellis Island.  The statue was so formidable.  We heard a lot of people commenting she was much smaller than they thought she would be, and we felt just the opposite.  She was right there, in your face, and the detail was amazing.  Here are some facts I learned that I never knew before.  The copper was shapped by hand in pieces that are about as thick as a penny and put over a steel cage.  Wednesday, June 17 was the 130 anniversary of her arrival in NYC and I didn't know that there are broken shackel and chains on her feet symbolizing freedom from oppression.  

Ellis Island was a bit disappointing.  It seemed very sterile and everything inside felt new, not old. In 2012, hurricane Sandy did a lot of damage to buildings on Ellis Island and it was closed for just about 1 year.  The buildings are still not climate controlled so most of the artifacts have been removed to prevent them from damage.  I'm hopeful that this is why it felt so strange to me, but a sight to see none the less.  It's a pretty important piece of most of our ancestors.

East River to Long Island Sound

The sights of the Manhattan skyline were good, but not nearly as impressive from the East River.  We spent a lot of time trying to figure out when to pass through Hell Gate, since we heard so many horror stories.  We timed it perfectly just a few minutes into a flood tide, early morning so not much commercial traffic, excepr for the tug pulling a barge that we encountered right as we entered "The Gate".  No issues and a pretty terrific ride into The Sound.  We passed by Roosevelt Island, Rikers Island and Laguardia before entering Long Island Sound and stopping in Port Washington for the evening.

Click here to see all our NYC pictures

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely fantastic!! New York, New's a wonderful town!! I So cool to see you enjoy it so!
