Saturday, September 19, 2015

New York & New Jersey

Day 220 to 225
2,493 Statutory Miles Covered

Leaving Oyster Bay, the weather report called for a great boating day on the Sound and a not so great boating day the following day. So we decided to head to NYC a day early. Checking the tide at Hell Gate sealed the deal when our ETA showed all was favorable- it was meant to be.

When we neared the East River, the current certainly was with us. Our knots quickly went from 8 to felt like Long Island Sound pulled the chain and maxing out at 14.2 knots "flushed" us into the East River. The GS was flying!!!

Staying in the city never gets old and we never tire of gazing on Manhattan especially at night-breathtaking. 

Left Manhattan at 4:45 am thinking we would take advantage of the ambient light of the city and do the Jersey Shore in one day. Other than the Verrazano bridge lights, the city lights actually made it hard to tell what lights were other boats and which ones were land as we made way. However our struggles and initial slow going was rewarded handsomely with one I'd the prettiest sunrises I've ever seen.

The ride down the coast was picture perfect blue skies, lots of visibility and almost flat water with a slightly favorable tide. 14 1/2 hours later, just as the sun was getting ready to set, we pulled into our slip at Canyon Club.

So, this leg of the trip, really has been about breaking GS records;  new speed record 14.2 kits; longest day underway 14.5 hrs. Maybe we should play the lotto. 14 seems to be a popular number. 

We learned a new nautical term in Cape May  WAFI 

Click Here for all Pix of NY/NJ

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