Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Day 2012

Left Daytona around 9:00, a little later than we wanted to, but with big sun and blue skies - we knew this was going to be an awesome ride. On board for the first time was our daughter Jessica (first time meeting her new lil sister), Lindsay & Perry (a surprise set of stowaways) Dennis & myself. We are headed to St. Augustine to meet up with the Adam's and the Morgan's for a weekend of play in the oldest city. Weather is good, but a bit breezy - but I'm happy cuz I get to spend the weekend with my baby girl (yes I mean you Jess ;-))

Needed  3 lifts this trip; Memorial (Daytona), Main St (Daytona) & LB Knox (Ormond). Met up with everyone @ Mantanzas inlet where we stopped the Morgans with our Stowaways. Swam, talked, paddle-boarded and shared a couple of cocktails before heading the rest of the way to St. Augustine - HOW FUN!
Saturday is another beautiful day, we were joined by Laurie's niece and her family for the day. Walked, shopped and ate our way down St. Georges Street.
We learn that we are having an unexpected guest @ our party - Sub Tropical Storm, soon to turn in to Tropical Storm Beryl during the evening - first real foul weather experience for the Gypsy Soul, so we doubled up on the lines and secured everything as best as possible and waited. Storm stalled and we woke up to ok conditions, but dark ominous clouds all around. Storm now expected sometime during the day on Sunday. As the day progressed the winds picked up and by the time the afternoon was upon us 35+ mph sustained winds out of the north. Walking the dock to the boat was like walking on one of those fun house floors that heaves up and down at each step. Waves wash over the north side of the docks covering them with seaweed and all sorts of debris; rocking and rolling everything nearby. Mr. Toad's wild ride for sure.The impending bad weather did not dampen our day at all - strolled around St. Augustine with hardly a breeze in town, under sunny skies - 1/2 mile away - they Gypsy Soul and Wicked Good were "dancing".

Storm made landfall, north of us with wind speeds ~ 70 mph just after midnight - the Gypsy Soul is solid and took great care of us thru the night.

Woke up to a beautiful morning of cool breezes and sunshine - more bands of wind and rain make their way thru during the day and the wind is still very gusting - we decide to stay one more day hoping for the winds to settle down and later learn that was a wise decision since the bridges north of Ormond Beach have been closed by the Coast Guard.
So, here I sit, posting my update, doing a load of laundry, watching some tv and "waiting for the winds to change" I've been waiting an awfully long time to say that.The current plan - head out ~ 8:00 tomorrow morning for home. 


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