Thursday, December 22, 2011

No Room at the Inn

Well, Chinese New Year has booked all of the containers on the December 29th vessel so we have been bumped to Jan 10th.  Disappointing, but not completely unexpected.  I can think of some occasions that are celebrated today that began with "no room at the inn". 
At this point, the boat has been "wet" and the finishing touches are being made.  Still lots of cleaning and dusting needed - but boy does it look awesome.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Not Quite So Fast....

Lots of progress on the wiring over the past few weeks.  Although Trevor thinks that they are  a few weeks behind where he expected them to be and we are probably looking at the end of December for a sail date out of China - putting us in Savanah the end of January ish.
We will be putting the last push on getting the remaining equipment needed to make us legal and safe over the next several weeks (along with Christmas - the wallet will be getting a real workout :-(
Still have to pinch myself

Thursday, November 17, 2011

T Minus 30

Trevor thinks the boat should be complete within the next 30 days, and is looking for a ship mid December for her to set sail to America.
We are now starting to get the paperwork side of life in the works. We took a boating class a couple of weeks ago and are now "certifiable".
Next is figuring out the registration, maybe Documentation and paying the sales tax (Ugh!)

Friday, October 21, 2011

1 Year Later - Hard to Believe

So, it's been a year since we began this journey in Annapolis and we just returned from another great visit to this awesome town and the best boat show in the US.
Started out feeling a little under the weather so decided that it was best begin the day with a Painkiller #3 in case you're wondering....
Now that the demons have been tamed...
Spent a fair bit of time in the tents working on the "accessory" list, then to the docks.  Show seemed smaller this year, which isn't surprising given the economy.  Still many many beautiful vessels on display.  We had our aha moment about 2 hours into walking the docks when we both realized that we have not boarded one boat to look around.   "Here's your sign!"  I guess we are really certain that we have found exactly the right boat for us.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

~4 Months To Go

Hard to believe that we are only 4 months away now - seems like just yesterday that this all began.  The time now will go by fast, I'm sure - especially with the holiday season approaching quickly.
The new pictures
received from Trevor today are awesome !

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Moving Along

Received some updates today.  :-)

View of the Galley from the Salon 
Setee will go here


View entire build

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Looks Like a Boat !

It's amazing what progress can be made in a few weeks.  Looks like some flooring and walls have been put in and it is starting to look like a boat.  We also received the tile and upholstery samples a few weeks ago and need to be firming that up in the next few days. It looks HUGE!

View entire build here

Monday, June 13, 2011

First Look!!!

We received our first pictures of the build this weekend.

You can check them out here.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Hurry Up & Wait

Today we will begin the search for our new baby's home.
Looked at marinas between Palm Coast and Ponce Inlet.  Only a few made it passed the drive thru the parking lot.  Here's how they stack up so far;
  1. Halifax:  Clean, sturdy floating docks, location is great - close to downtown Daytona Beach. Kind of quiet, large with no pool. 
  2. Inlet Harbor:  WOW, most beautiful view that we saw all day.  Clean, new floating docks, with restaurant and bar near by, but not on top of the slips.  Very small marina.  Most expensive of all that we saw.  Will significantly increase the "float" time when heading north.
  3. Loggerhead:  Clean, new sturdy floating docks, location is good, north of downtown Daytona Beach.  Pool, restaurant and bar on the premises.  Best rates of all that we saw today.  Bar/restuarant really close to the slips and it might get loud or "old" after a while.  Seemed to e lots of kids running around looking for something to do.
We checked out the travel distance and time from home to St.Augustine, just to see if we wanted to look up there for something.  It's only 15 minutes further than Daytona and the Conch House Marina looks pretty nice on paper, so we will check that out next before settling on the order of preference.
Also looking for a mechanics and boating course to do over the next few months so check back and see what is going on.  I will be posting the boat specs, now that we are close to finalizing and we will begin to narrow down the list of potential names.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Seattle Boat Show -2011

First let me just say "What a Trip!"
Medford, OR
First stop in Medford, Oregon to visit a family friend...Bob. I think that the last time we saw each other was 30+ years ago.  Knowing we were going to be so close, just had to take a side trip.